dc.description.abstract | The purpose of this study is to analysis the language functions addressed by Donald Trump to determine the language function used and the types of language functions that are mostly found on Donald Trump Victory and Farewell Speeches. This study used a qualitative decriptive method. The data of this research is a transcript of Donald Trump Victory and Farewell speeches by using the software (YouTube). The result of this study show that there are six language functions according to Roman Jakobson, Namely Referential Function, Metalingual Function, Phatic Function, Poetic Function, Emotive Function, and Conative Function. After doing this research, the writer found 6 languange function of Donald Trump Victory speech and 6 language functions of Donald Trump Farewell Speech on YouTube. from the the 6 language function most dominant type or the most dominant of Victory Speech is Conative Function 40%, the second language function that often appears is the Emotive Function as much
38%, third is the Referential Function as much as 14%, fourth is the Poetic Function as much as 8%, fifth is the Phatic Function as much as 4%, and the sixth Metalingual Funtion as much as 2%.And the most dominant of Farewell Speech is Emotive Function 46%, the second language function is the Conative Function as much 26%, third is the Referential Function as much as 14%, fourth is the Poetic Function as much as 6%, fifth is the Metalingual Function 4%, and the sixth Phatic Function as much 4%. So that in his Victory Speech Donald Trump mostly used Conative Function to invite the American people to cooperate with him, while in his Farewell Speech Donald Trump mostly used Emotive Funtion conveyed information on his hardwork during his tenure as president in American. | en_US |